
  • What about a drinking game where you have to drink every time a substring of the program that you are writing equals to the name of the programming language that you are using? (Though I am unconscious of a direct relation of this thought to the following mtterial, this is most likely influenced by xkcd: Ballmer Peak)
    Too interesting not to comment further:
    • C: You'll end up with carefully named variables and will get to know about a lot of things you had previously ignored including ENFILE.
    • C++: Unfortunately you'll lose your alertness at the exact moment when you would've needed it the most, deep in those for loops.
    • Java: what was I trying to do with all these data structures?
    • Perl: Oh please. Like it makes a difference.
      (Btw there's another perl joke insult further down)
    • Go: This one plays so perfectly you wonder if they had been thinking about (or even playing) this game while they were designing the language.

  • Holy cow all this time you could scroll with the middle-click + trackpoint?

  • Things are only starting to get fun after you've created context.h in a project.

  • The only books that you're allowed to put under your monitor are the ones that you've read.
    Or rather, you must put a book under your monitor if and only if you've read it.

  • Crazy how I arrive at my lab before noon, but a few hours past noon the number of hours that I have done actual work (entered into my time tracker) falls behind what the clock displays in 12-hour format for the last time during the day, knowing that the difference will only grow in favor of the clock until we reach midnight, when the clock generously offers a rematch.

  • The way people arrivals to/depart from our lab is certainly not Possion. My proposal: arrival points are Poisson and the number of people arriving at an arrival point is a random variable sampled from a geometric process.

  • We should randomly switch men's and women's bathrooms every morning.

  • I think it's great that we're fighting email spam bots by writing our email addresses like " firstname [at] lastname . $(ifconfig | egrep "[0-9]{1,}(\\.[0-9]{1,}){3}" | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -c 2-) ". Thank God we agreed that nobody is allowed to write bots that extract email addresses from git commits on publicly available git repos.

  • Sometimes I think about all the perl programs that I could have written while cleaning my keyboard if I had remembered to open an editor before getting started.